
美国总统特朗普在近日任命一公司执行总裁为气象管理机构负责人,并且将于今天举行审议听证会。美国国家公共电台内尔格林菲尔德保艾斯(Nell Greenfieldboyce)就这一人物备受争议的原因发回了报道。STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:Climate science

美国总统特朗普在近日任命一公司执行总裁为气象管理机构负责人,并且将于今天举行审议听证会。美国国家公共电台内尔·格林菲尔德保艾斯(Nell Greenfieldboyce)就这一人物备受争议的原因发回了报道。


STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:Climate science is not the only science that starting political arguments. Weather forecasting has, too. President Trump chose a businessman to lead the agency in charge of forecasting, and his confirmation hearing comes today. NPR’s Nell Greenfieldboyce reports on why he’s a contentious choice.

主持人史蒂夫·英斯基普:能在科学界引起政治争议的并非只有气候科学,还有天气预报。美国总统特朗普在近日任命一公司执行总裁为气象管理机构负责人,并且将于今天举行审议听证会。美国国家公共电台内尔·格林菲尔德保艾斯(Nell Greenfieldboyce)就这一人物备受争议的原因发回了报道。

NELL GREENFIELDBOYCE, BYLINE: Turn on your local TV station, and you might hear something like this.



一小段爱酷天气( ACCUWEATHER)天气预报播报片段)

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Here’s the AccuWeather seven-day forecast.


GREENFIELDBOYCE: Accuweather is a company based in central Pennsylvania, and it’s a family business. The CEO is Barry Myers. He and his two brothers have built the company. Now their relatives work there. Now Myers wants to be head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which runs the National Weather Service. But some see a huge, unavoidable conflict of interest. Andrew Rosenberg is with the Union of Concerned Scientists.

格林菲尔德保艾斯:爱酷天气总部设在宾夕法尼亚州,是一个家族企业。执行总裁是巴里·迈耶斯(Barry Myers)。他和他的另外两兄弟创建了这家公司,现在,公司里都是他们的亲属。如今迈耶斯被任命为美国国家海洋和大气管理局负责人,主管美国国家气象局。有些人从中看到了不可避免的矛盾和利益冲突,比如安德鲁·罗森博格(Andrew Rosenberg),他是科学家联盟的成员。

ANDREW ROSENBERG: I don’t think it’s appropriate that he lead the federal agency that will directly impact his business model.


GREENFIELDBOYCE: That concern is shared by the National Weather Service Employees Organization. Its president is Dan Sobien. He says, back in 2005, AccuWeather was pushing legislation that disturbed them.

内尔·格林菲尔德保艾斯:美国国家气象局员工组织也有一样的担忧。这一组织的主席是丹·索斌(Dan Sobien),他表示,早在2005年,爱酷天气就推翻过可能会扰乱其正常运营的立法。

DAN SOBIEN: They essentially wanted the National Weather Service to get out of the weather business.


GREENFIELDBOYCE: Under the effort, which failed, the government wouldn’t have been able to share routine forecasts and data with the public - only with commercial companies like AccuWeather.


GREENFIELDBOYCE: But the AccuWeather connection doesn’t really bother Cliff Mass. He’s a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Washington.

内尔·格林菲尔德保艾斯:华盛顿大学大气科学教授克里夫·弥撒( Cliff Mass)表示,爱酷天气的存在真的不足担心。

CLIFF MASS: I’m not that worried. I mean, I think he’s a pretty fair guy.


GREENFIELDBOYCE: His big concern is that the national weather forecasting system has been mismanaged and is falling behind the rest of the world.


MASS: Getting someone new from the outside with a very different viewpoint could actually be a good thing.


GREENFIELDBOYCE: He does note that Myers is not a scientist. In the past, heads of NOAA have traditionally had a science background. And NOAA is responsible for far more than just weather prediction. It also studies climate change, coastal restoration and fisheries.


Nell Greenfieldboyce, NPR News.


