
CCTV9英语新闻:普京称将全力确保索契冬奥会安全Putin vows to ensure security of Sochi Olympics by all means Less than a month from the opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Russian information office invited 6 internat


Putin vows to ensure security of Sochi Olympics by all means

Less than a month from the opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Russian information office invited 6 international news organizations to interview President Vladimir Putin.

As the only Asian media organization present, CCTV was able to ask President Putin about the security issue at the Sochi Olympics. Putin said Russia will not be afraid of terrorists, and will secure the games by all means necessary.


"If we allow ourselves to show weakness, to show fear, and have others witness our fears that will meet the wishes of the terrorists. I think the international community should be united in humanity, economy, politics and other sectors to fight this kind of slaughtering of innocents, and anti-human actions. Of course, we are the host, it is our mission to ensure the safety of everyone who attends the games, both the athletes and visitors. And we will fulfil that by all means," Putin said.

