迪拜客机坠毁 理赔工作正在进行中

迪拜客机坠毁 理赔工作正在进行中尽管天气条件恶劣,迪拜客机坠毁机场的清理工作仍在继续。对此次遇难者家属的理赔工作尚在进行中。许多遇难者家属及附近居民点燃蜡烛悼念遇难者。The clean up operation continues at the airport, wher

迪拜客机坠毁 理赔工作正在进行中


The clean up operation continues at the airport, where poor weather conditions are hampering efforts. Work to compensate the families of the victims is already underway. many family members of the victims and nearby residents laid flowers and lit candles to mourn the deceased.

"We have dispatched 850 staff from the ministry of emergency situations and enough technical equipment to help recover the remains. The process will go on for a whole night. The airport will return to normal operations on Monday according to schedule. According to the decision from Rostov we have already started to give financial compensations to the families of the victims, as well as making contact with the foreign insurance agency that insured FlyDubai to work out a compensation package in accordance with international practices," said Maksim Sokolov, Russian Minister of Transportation.

