
特朗普政府拟在几个月后完全切断伊朗原油出口,但中国等8个经济体被允许在6个月内继续购买伊朗石油。The US has imposed sanctions on 700 Iranian targets as part of its largest ever single day of economic penalties against Tehra



The US has imposed sanctions on 700 Iranian targets as part of its “largest ever single day” of economic penalties against Tehran, fulfilling Donald Trump’s campaign pledge to take a harder line against the Islamic republic.

美国对700个伊朗目标实施制裁,这是美国对伊朗实施“有史以来最大的”经济惩罚的一部分,兑现了唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统在竞选时做出的对伊朗采取更强硬立场的承诺。

The economic curbs target the Iranian oil, financial and shipping sectors as the US seeks to force Tehran to rein in what the Trump administration says are its destabilising activities in the Middle East.


Steven Mnuchin, US Treasury secretary, said on Monday: “Today, the US is executing on the final actions to withdraw [from] the Obama administration’s fatally flawed Iran deal.

美国财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)周一表示:“今天,美国为退出奥巴马政府签署的存在致命缺陷的伊朗核协议采取最后行动。”

“This is part of a maximum unprecedented economic pressure campaign that the US is waging against the world’s largest state sponsor of terror.”


Mr Trump’s decision in May to pull out of a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran and reimpose sanctions has pitted the US against European powers, China and Russia, cosignatories to the 2015 accord.


In a fillip to Tehran, Washington on Monday named the eight countries to which it has granted six-month waivers to allow them to continue buying some Iranian crude: China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Greece and Turkey.


The US said all had already cut oil imports from Iran but would not, crucially, reveal how much crude each buyer would be allowed to take under the exemptions.


Iran’s exports averaged about 2.5m barrels a day before the US decision to reimpose curbs. Exports rose to almost 2.9m b/d in April but have since fallen by about 1m b/d, as buyers, especially in Europe, have turned away.


Mike Pompeo, US secretary of state, said Washington’s goal was to force Iran to abandon its current course or else “see its economy crumble”.

美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)表示,华盛顿方面的目标是迫使伊朗放弃目前的路线,否则伊朗只能“眼睁睁地看着其经济撑不下去”。

State department officials said Iran relied on oil exports for 80 per cent of its revenues, and that the US would aim to reduce oil exports to zero in the coming months.


