双语新闻:继美国之后 MOOC学习热潮席卷欧洲大学

At first blush, the unassuming Bielefeld University of Applied Sciencea small public technical college in a small German cityhas little in common with the world-renowned Stanford University. Checking the Internet, howeve

At first blush, the unassuming Bielefeld University of Applied Science — a small public technical college in a small German city — has little in common with the world-renowned Stanford University. Checking the Internet, however, one surprising similarity emerges: the long reach of some of their undergraduate lectures.


J?rn Loviscach, a professor of mathematics and computer science in Bielefeld, has been putting his lectures on YouTube since 2009. The German-language math and computer science courses have become smash hits.

比勒费尔德应用科技大学的数学与电子科学学院教授,J?rn Loviscach 从09年就开始将自己的课程发布到YouTube上。他用德语讲授的数学与计算机科学课程获得了极高的点击率。

MOOCs have become highly popular in the last couple of years in the United States, where the concept evolved. The growth in the number of courses, providers, participating universities and online students has led to a debate among educators, with some arguing that these free virtual lectures could completely change the nature of post-secondary education, while others warn that the courses are not nearly as effective as real lectures.


Now, after a cautious start, MOOCs are catching on in Europe, too, as universities and educators look for ways to save on teaching costs and reach out to a wider student audience, and as providers sense commercial opportunities.


Several distinct platforms have started operating in Europe this year, while a consortium of open universities has come together to provide a database of their MOOCs. Innovation is not only coming from entrepreneurs and educators: As part of a major education directive, the European Commission is set to launch an open education resource Web site later this week.


Often produced by well-known colleges or universities, MOOCs are frequently hosted on third party commercial platforms. Depending on the platform, students may be able to watch top-quality lectures and tutorials online, contribute to discussion boards and take computer-graded tests. There are no admission requirements, no scheduling clashes and no, or low, tuition costs.


“We are just as far from India as Stanford — namely, just one click,” said Sebastian Springer, a professor at the Jacobs University in Bremen who is preparing an English-language molecular biology MOOC.

不来梅雅各布大学Sebastian Springer教授正在准备一场英授分子生物学MOOC课程,他说,“我们与全球各地的距离已经无限拉近了——从这里到印度、或到斯坦福都只需轻击鼠标。”

Together with his teaching partner, Susanne Illenberger, Mr. Springer won one of 10 places in a European MOOC production competition in June.


The competition won by Mr. Springer and Ms. Illenberger — which was partly decided by an online vote — was held by the Stifterverband, a German science foundation, and Iversity, one of Europe’s newest MOOC providers. The 10 finalists each received €25,000, or $33,000, to develop their MOOC in addition to technical help from Iversity to take the courses live, starting this autumn.


