
习近平主席塞尔维亚发表署名文章习近平主席将于周五去塞尔维亚。开始访问塞尔维亚前,习近平在塞尔维亚媒体发表了文章。Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to Serbia on Friday. Ahead of his visit, he penned an article for t



Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to Serbia on Friday. Ahead of his visit, he penned an article for the country's press. He said Serbia is an important country in central and eastern Europe and the Balkan region.

He said the people of China and Serbia are connected by their hearts and hands, and have a special affection for each other. Xi noted that there has been constant breakthroughs in their cooperation, within frameworks such as the Belt and Road Initiative.

He urged China and Serbia to maintain this cooperation to develop hand in hand, and to keep close communication and coordination in international affairs.

