
奥朗德:尼斯袭击事件是恐怖行为法国总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德已抵达法国内政部设立的紧急中心,奥朗德表示尼斯这次袭击事件可以清楚地定义为恐怖行为。French President Francois Hollande has arrived at a crisis centre set up in France&#



French President Francois Hollande has arrived at a crisis centre set up in France's interior ministry. He called the incident clearly a "terrorist" act. He has also announced to extend the country's state of emergency by three months.

"I've also decided the state of the emergency that was supposed to be lifted on the 26th July will be extended by 3 months. this will be put before our parliament next week. Nothing will make us yield in our will to fight terrorism. We will further strengthen our actions in Iraq and in Syria. We will continue striking those who attack us on our own soil," he said.

