
CCTV9英语新闻:班禅大师的首个时轮金刚法会藏传佛教最神圣的事件之一时轮金刚法会在班禅大师的新殿举行,40余万人出席了这次为期4天的盛会。One of the holiest events in Tibetan Buddhism, the Kalachakra, meaning wheel of time, ha



One of the holiest events in Tibetan Buddhism, the Kalachakra, meaning "wheel of time", has been held in the New Palace of the 26th  Panchen Lama -- his home temple in Xigaze. Over 400,000 people attended the 4 day event.  

This was the first large-scale kalachakra ritual held in Tibet for 60 years. Records from the Zhaxi Lhunbo Lamasery showed that the 10th Panchen Lama performed one in 1954.

The ceremony began with a closed-door observance by senior monks from Labrang Lamasery in northwest China's Gansu Province and Zhaxi Lhunbo Lamasery every morning from July 21 to July 24.

Every afternoon, Panchen Lama performed a series of sermons, chants, scripture lessons and benediction that would last four hours.


The ceremony began with a closed-door observance by senior monks from Labrang Lamasery in northwest China's Gansu Province and Zhaxi Lhunbo Lamasery every morning from July 21 to July 24.

A rare occasion for the devotees who were particularly grateful for it.

"An ordinary person would be hoarse after speaking for hours, but Panchen Lama's voice is always loud and resonant."

"Panchen Rinpoche has set a good example for living buddhas, especially the young ones." 

Some 100 lamas and 5,000 monks and nuns from Tibet, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan attended the ritual that is to help people through the cycle of life. 

The attendance over the four-day period reached as much as 426,000 people.

Four LED screens and dozens of loud speakers however made sure that everyone had a front row seat.

Currently serving as the vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, Panchen Lama, 26, has performed 1,000 initiations and benedictions to about 1.5 million Buddhists.

Last December, he celebrated the 20th anniversary of becoming Panchen Lama in Zhaxi Lhunbo .

