
Prince George stole the show today as he joined his parents for a fun day out at a military air show - but the normally impeccably-behaved youngster could be seen throwing something of a tantrum shortly after his arrival


Prince George stole the show today as he joined his parents for a fun day out at a military air show - but the normally impeccably-behaved youngster could be seen throwing something of a tantrum shortly after his arrival.


The young Prince looked adorable in navy shorts and a white T-shirt with his customary Start Rite shoes as he arrived at the Royal International Air Tattoo in Gloucestershire with his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The trip was the first time George, who turns three in two weeks, has joined his parents on an official engagement in the UK.

小王子身穿海军蓝短裤、白色T恤,还有他常穿的Start Rite牌鞋子,看上去非常可爱。他和爸妈(威廉王子和凯特王妃)一起到达了格洛斯特郡的皇家国际航空展示会。小王子再有两个星期就满3岁了,这还是他第一次跟随爸妈参加英国的官方活动。

However, not long after the family made their way to the show the two-year-old was swept up into his mother's arms after he began crying.



The little Prince was lifted into one of the Red Arrows as his father and a member of the aerobatic team helped him inside.



But after a teary arrival, Prince George was soon back to his well-behaved self, as his father showed him around the helicopters and aircraft on display.



Who is giving who a lesson? According to Flight Lieutenant Jim Hobkirk who escorted the royals, Prince George 'was very interested in the tail rotor'.

快看看这是谁在给谁上课?据皇室陪同人员、空军上尉Jim Hobkirk说,小王子对这个高高的直升机尾旋翼非常感兴趣。


Prince George was quite the grown up as he shook hands with a pilot while his mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, looked on.


