
Singers China performances cancelled over Taiwan stance星期四晚上,韩国一家娱乐公司决定取消旗下一位少女歌手在中国的所有演出,据报道,该歌手支持台独,然而该公司否认对她政治立场的指控。A South Korean entertainment company

Singer’s China performances cancelled over Taiwan stance



A South Korean entertainment company decided on Thursday night to cancel all performances in China by a reportedly pro-Taiwan independence teenage singer while denying allegations about her political stance.

JYP Entertainment, the company that represents Chou Tzu-yu - also known as Tzuyu - claims it has never made any remarks relating to China’s politics, said a statement issued via the company’s Sina Weibo account. Tzuyu firmly upholds and respects one-China principle, said the statement.

According to another statement issued on Wednesday, Tzuyu is only 16 years old and is not mature enough to form her own political views. She was born in Taiwan in 1999.

Tzuyu, a member of South Korean girl group TWICE, was accused of being in favor of Taiwan independence by Huang An, a well-known singer and TV host from Taiwan. Huang made the allegations on January 8 on his Weibo account. He claimed that Tzuyu did not respond to Sanlih E-Television’s portrayal of her as a supporter of Taiwan independence.

Meanwhile, JYP said that the rumor has disturbed JYP Entertainment’s daily operations in the Chinese mainland and has caused inconvenience to the group’s business partners.

Several companies have also cancelled their cooperation with Tzuyu. According to a post by Chinese telecom giant Huawei’s consumer business group Chief Marketing Officer Zhang Xiaoyun on her Weibo account on Tuesday, Huawei demanded that its South Korean marketing partner LG U+ stop cooperating with Tzuyu, claiming that her recent remarks are seriously hurtful to the Chinese people.


2015年11月,周子瑜与TWICE成员一起上韩国综艺《My Little Television》,在节目公开的照片中,有一张周子瑜躺在床上玩布偶手挥着台湾当局旗帜的照片 。

2016年1月8日,黄安在其微博举报在参加韩国节目时挥舞“青天白日满地红”旗的周子瑜是“台独”艺人 (而实际上,台独者痛恨的,恰恰是这面旗)。同年1月11日,华为消费者BG首席营销官张晓云在微博上表态,已全面停止与周子瑜及其经纪公司涉及华为相关产品的所有合作 。随后,因周子瑜及其所属公司针对“台独”传闻不表态,多家媒体都终止了与周子瑜及其所在团体的合作,影响甚至波及到了该公司其他对中国有好感的艺人在中国的发展 。

同年1月13日晚间9点,JYP公司发出声明,称JYP公司“作为一家文化企业,始终致力于促进和发展中韩两国之间的友好文化交流”,公司(包括周子瑜)“从未有过任何有关中国的政治性言论或行为。网上流传的均为不实传闻,且当事人是年仅16岁的未成年人,其年龄和阅历尚不足于形成自己的政治观点,”声明还同时表示,给保持良好合作关系的合作伙伴带来诸多不便,公司决定取消周子瑜在中国的全部演艺活动 。

同年1月14日,JYP公司再次发布声明,表示周子瑜本人坚决支持和尊重一个中国的原则,台湾是周子瑜的故乡,有着难以割舍的感情,但台湾人并不代表就是台独,周子瑜从未发表过任何台独言论,网络上流传的所谓“周子瑜支持台独”的言论并不属实 。

同年1月15日晚,周子瑜通过视频鞠躬道歉,声明“始终为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲”。她表示,“在国外活动时,由于言行上的过失,对公司、对两岸网友的情感造成了伤害。”为此,她决定中止目前在中国的一切活动,认真反省 。而这一事件不仅在海峡两岸网友中引发了截然不同的反应和争议,甚至上升到了政治层面 。


周子瑜公开致歉视频:中国只有一个 海峡两岸是一体的

