长春69岁独身阿姨街头举牌寻伴儿 男女不限

导读:7月15日下午,在长春市自由大路与会展大街交会处,一位身穿蓝色上衣的年长阿姨手持纸牌,站在人行道路口伫立不动,引来过往行人频频注目。She stood on one of the citys busiest intersections on Friday afternoon with a sign th


长春69岁独身阿姨街头举牌寻伴儿 男女不限

She stood on one of the city’s busiest intersections on Friday afternoon with a sign that was begging for attention.


"I am a lonely old woman. I’m just looking for a companion, male or female, to chat with after 2 pm every day, " followed by her phone number.


The 69-year-old woman, surnamed Zhang, of Changchun, Northeast China’s Jilin Province, said she had been waking up alone for more than a decade after losing first her daughter then her husband.


But Zhang explains it was an incident several days ago when she injured her wrist while cleaning a windowsill that brought her to advertise her loneliness.


"There was even no one I could call for help…I think I really need some company, otherwise I will have a problem living much longer."


In 2000, her daughter was diagnosed with cancer and passed away soon after. "She was only 29," said Zhang.


After the death of her husband in 2005, Zhang struggled to live alone in the family home.


Two years ago, Zhang moved into a new building where she said neighbors don’t talk to each other.


She then touched on a recent story about the death of a former colleague in a similar situation that really hit home.


The colleauge had died alone in his apartment, Zhang said. It was a week before his body was discovered.


"When I heard that it frightened me. I thought that if I died it would be the same for me. Nobody would know," she said.


