
导读:从吐槽到赞誉,巴西人只用一场走心的开幕式就打动世界。2016年里约奥运会开幕式在马拉卡纳体育场圆满落幕,马拉松名将利马点燃主火炬。在第一时间,世界媒体对这场开幕式进行了点评,总体上是赞誉一片。Media throughout the world



Media throughout the world celebrate the spectacular ceremony put on by Brazil to mark the opening of the Rio Olympics, despite the serious political and economic difficulties faced by the country.


Many focus on the impressively colourful display used to highlight Brazil’s history, culture and natural beauty.


The Washington Post also emphasises the "high appeal" of the ceremony, despite the "gutted budget" the organisers had to work with.


And the Wall Street Journal hails the "flair" that marked the opening ceremony, even though this was "less grandiose" than the ones staged for recent Games in Beijing and London.


In the Russian media, there is applause for what Brazil has managed to achieve on such a limited budget.


The R-Sport news agency declares that Brazil has found "Happiness from poverty", while the news website Lenta.ru says that though the opening ceremony was modest compared to those for previous Games, "it was imbued with a carnival atmosphere and a Brazilian flair".

俄罗斯体育媒体The R-Sport 称巴西的开幕式“朴素但却快乐”。新闻网站 Lenta.ru发文称里约的奥运开幕式是近年来最寒酸的但是整场活动充满巴西式狂欢的氛围。

In Brazil itself, the media expresses its pride in the way in which the opening ceremony was handled.


O Globo hails the sheer beauty of the event, while the Veja news magazine says the ceremony "showcased a modern, confident and colourful country".

O Globo盛赞开幕式精彩绝伦,巴西本土杂志Veja 称“开幕式表现了一个“自信,多元的现代巴西。”

A more sombre political note is sounded by the Folha de S. Paulo website, which notes that the ceremony engaged with social causes and was an uncomfortable experience for Brazil’s interim president, Michel Temer, who was booed by some in the crowd as he declared the Games open.

在一片赞誉中,也有媒体从政治角度给出了更加理智的声音,巴西报纸《Folha de S.Paulo》评论称开幕式不仅仅是体育盛会还裹挟着社会元素,开幕式曾是巴西临时总统米歇尔·特梅尔一块心病。此前在特梅尔宣布奥运会开幕的时候收获的是一片嘘声。

Elsewhere in Latin America, there is also considerable excitement over the event.


Argentina’s La Nacion highlights an "emotional opening ceremony", while Colombia’s El Espectador focuses on the colourfulness of the event and singles out one of its main themes: concern for environmental issues.

阿根廷媒体 La Nacion称里约开幕式“激动人心”。哥伦比亚媒体El Espectador 则突出强调了开幕式炫目的色彩以及关注环境问题的奥运主题。

In Spain, El Pais says that the ceremony celebrates Brazil’s diversity and vitality, and notes that the country finally has a reason to feel proud of what it can achieve.

西班牙的El Pais 表示开幕式表现了巴西的多元和活力,开幕式的水准足以令巴西人感到骄傲。

Two contrasting approaches are offered by the French press. Le Figaro hails the festive atmosphere at the Maracana Stadium, while Le Monde focuses on the uncertain political situation in Brazil.

法国媒体的报道则呈现两极化。Le Figaro为开幕式营造出的节日氛围点赞,而另一边 Le Monde 则表达了对巴西动荡政局的担忧。

