
导读:发生火灾你会怎么做?逃跑!但是美国有一只狗狗为了自己的小主人,不仅没有逃走还用自己的身体护住小主人,最后小主人免于一死而小狗却被活活被烧死。所以,请善待你身边的宠物吧,它们是可以为你献出生命的朋友。A family dog has



A family dog has died after shielding an 8-month-old baby from a house fire that broke out in Baltimore on Sunday.


Erika Poremski said she had stepped outside to her car when she turned around to find the house in flames, according to CBS News. Her eight-month-old daughter Viviana was still inside with the dog, Polo.

女婴的母亲Erika Poremski告诉CBS的记者,自己走到屋外的汽车去拿东西回来就发现屋子已经着火,当时在屋里的只有8个月大的女儿Viviana和一头黑色家犬polo。

“I tried to keep getting in,” Poremski said in an interview with CBS News. “She was up the stairs, but the fire smoke was so heavy I couldn’t get past it.” She suffered burns to her hands and face.

在接受CBS的采访中,Erika Poremski说“当时宝宝在二楼,我一直试着冲上楼,但是烟太大我根本进不去”。小宝宝的胳膊和脸部有部分烧伤。

“I kept running back out and back in, trying to get up there. Then, the door curling started falling and I couldn’t get back in,” she added.


Poremski said that when firefighters arrived, they found Polo covering Viviana with his body. She said the baby only suffered burns on her arm and side because of the dog’s protection.


The family created a GoFundMe page to help with medical costs for Viviana, who is still in serious condition, CBS News reported. By Saturday morning, it had raised more than $27,000.


“He was my first baby before Viv. He was like my child,” Poremski said of Polo, according to CBS News. “He followed us everywhere.”


