
Apple tackles iPhone one-tap spyware flaws苹果手机现安全漏洞导读:近日,有机构在苹果iOS系统中发现了一个漏洞,通过点击链接,黑客可以在用户设备中安装间谍软件。The discovery was made after a human rights lawyer alerted secur

Apple tackles iPhone one-tap spyware flaws




The discovery was made after a human rights lawyer alerted security researchers to unsolicited text messages he had received.


They discovered three previously unknown flaws within Apple’s code.


Apple has since released a software update that addresses the problem.


The two security firms involved, Citizen Lab and Lookout, said they had held back details of the discovery until the fix had been issued.


Rare attack


The lawyer, Ahmed Mansoor, received the text messages on 10 and 11 August.


The texts promised to reveal "secrets" about people allegedly being tortured in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s jails if he tapped the links.


Had he done so, Citizen Lab says, his iPhone 6 would have been "jailbroken", meaning unauthorised software could have been installed.

公民实验室的人表示说,如果曼苏尔这样做了的话,他的iPhone 6就会被“越狱”,意味着未经授权的软件可以安装在他的手机中。

"once infected, Mansoor’s phone would have become a digital spy in his pocket, capable of employing his iPhone’s camera and microphone to snoop on activity in the vicinity of the device, recording his WhatsApp and Viber calls, logging messages sent in mobile chat apps, and tracking his movements," said Citizen Lab.

公民实验室表示说:“一旦被感染病毒,曼苏尔的手机就会变成一个装在他口袋里的电子间谍,可以用iPhone的摄像头和麦克风来窥探发生在设备周围的活动,记录下他的WhatsApp和Viber calls,获取手机聊天软件发送的信息,并且跟踪他的行动。”

"We are not aware of any previous instance of an iPhone remote jailbreak used in the wild as part of a targeted attack campaign, making this a rare find."


The researchers say they believe the spyware involved was created by NSO Group, an Israeli "cyber-war" company.


"[It is] the most sophisticated spyware package we’ve seen," said Lookout.


"It takes advantage of how integrated mobile devices are in our lives and the combination of features only available on mobile - always connected (wi-fi, 3G/4G), voice communications, camera, email, messaging, GPS, passwords, and contact lists."


NSO has issued a statement acknowledging that it makes technology used to "combat terror and crime" but said it had no knowledge of any particular incidents and made no reference to the specific spyware involved.


"These are rather rare zero-day flaws," commented security expert Prof Alan Woodward, referring to the technical name for previously unknown vulnerabilities.


"To have several found at once is even rarer. As can be seen from how these have been exploited to date, it represents a serious threat to the security and privacy of iOS users.


"Apple has been remarkably responsive in providing fixes for these issues, so I would encourage any iOS users to update to the latest version of the operating system."


