Runners take part in the 5km Color Run in Beijing, June 17, 2017. Over 10,000 runners finished this year's Color Run event here Saturday. Starting from the United States in 2011, the Color Run has grown into the largest event series around the world. It is a five-kilometer, un-timed race in which thousands of participants, or “Color Runners”, are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.
Runners take part in the 5km Color Run in Beijing, June 17, 2017. Over 10,000 runners finished this year's Color Run event here Saturday. Starting from the United States in 2011, the Color Run has grown into the largest event series around the world. It is a five-kilometer, un-timed race in which thousands of participants, or “Color Runners”, are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.