First-time mother Qu Lan, 22, beat the incredible odds of 200 million to one to give birth to three baby girls who were conceived naturally. The babies, weighing 1,760g, 1,670g and 1,360g, were delivered via a caesarean section on the morning of June 10 in Chengdu, southwest China. Qu and her husband consider themselves the luckiest parents on earth after welcoming their identical triplets to the world.
First-time mother Qu Lan, 22, beat the incredible odds of 200 million to one to give birth to three baby girls who were conceived naturally. The babies, weighing 1,760g, 1,670g and 1,360g, were delivered via a caesarean section on the morning of June 10 in Chengdu, southwest China. Qu and her husband consider themselves the luckiest parents on earth after welcoming their identical triplets to the world.