兵役何其苦 韩国人放弃国籍只为逃兵役

导读: 数据显示,韩国每年约有3400人为逃避服兵役,放弃国籍。SEOUL, Sept. 19 (Yonhap) -- South Koreas minor opposition Peoples Party said Monday around 3,400 men give up their citizenship annually to evade the mandatory mil

导读: 数据显示,韩国每年约有3400人为逃避服兵役,放弃国籍。

兵役何其苦 韩国人放弃国籍只为逃兵役

SEOUL, Sept. 19 (Yonhap) -- South Korea’s minor opposition People’s Party said Monday around 3,400 men give up their citizenship annually to evade the mandatory military duty, adding the government should take steps to restrict their economic activities in the country.


Currently, all able-bodied South Korean men between the ages of 18 and 35 must serve in the military for about two years.


According to the data compiled by Rep. Kim Joong-ro of the People’s Party, however, 17,222 South Korean men subject to conscription gave up their nationality from 2012 through July of this year.

据国民党议员Kim Joong-ro提交的资料显示,自2012年到今年7月间,兵役义务对象中有17222人放弃了国籍。

Most of those that opted not to serve became either U.S., Japanese or Canadian citizens.


Kim said of those that decided to surrender their nationality, 31 were family members of high-ranking civil servants, adding the government should impose stronger regulations on such ethnic Koreans holding foreign citizenships.


