China's Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and the Public Security Ministry issued joint regulation that aids the fraud victims, helping them retrieve their money as soon as possible.
电信诈骗(telecom fraud/scam)犯罪近些年愈演愈烈,造成人民群众巨大的财产损失(property loss)。在查处电信诈骗犯罪分子的过程中,银行可以协助公安机关对特定账户进行冻结(freeze accounts involved in the scam)。
The regulation requires the banks to assign case-specific personnel in charge of returning the telecom fraud money.
According to the regulation, after the victim's application to the police has been approved, the banks should return the money within three days.
If the bank fails to assist the police, the bank can face penalties from the CBRC.
1. 万一被骗,第一时间要报警,记住转款的账户而且提供汇款的凭证(call the police and present evidence)。
2. 警方通过“涉案资金紧急止付系统”(the emergency suspension of payments invloved in the scam),直接将涉案账户“秒锁”并紧急止付。即使赃款到了犯罪分子的账户,他也无法操作。
3. 警方主动与被害人联系,依法办理资金返还工作(禁止收取任何费用)(the police contact the victim and deal with returning of fraud money)。
4. 被害人向冻结公安机关或者受理案件地公安机关,填写《电信网络新型违法犯罪涉案资金返还申请表》(the victim applies for returning of the fraud money at public security organs)。
冻结账户内仅有单笔汇(存)款记录,可直接溯源被害人的,直接返还被害人(if there is single record of money transfer in the account that can be traced back to the victim, the money will be returned to the victim)。
冻结账户内有多笔汇(存)款记录,按照时间戳记载可以直接溯源被害人的,直接返还被害人(if there are multiple records of money transfer in the account that can be traced back to the victim, the money will be returned to the victim)。
冻结账户内有多笔汇(存)款记录,按照时间戳记载无法直接溯源被害人(if there are multiple records of money transfer in the account that cannot be traced back to any victim)。
公安机关应当发出公告,公告期为30日,公告期内被害人、其他利害关系人可就返还冻结资金提出异议,公安机关依法进行审核(potential victims report to the police)。
按照被害人被骗(盗)金额占冻结在案资金总额的比例返还(the money will be returned to the victims based on the amount of money involved in the fraud)。
如查清新的被害人,公安机关可以按照本规定启动新的返还程序(if new victims appear, the police will go through the same procedure again)。