调查:三星盖乐世Note7虽说召回却仍在出售 所以你还会来买吗?

导读:自从三星盖乐世Note7被爆能够自燃以来,消费者们纷纷猜测三星电子将会采取什么措施来进行应对。虽然召回令已发出,但是近日,央视记者调查发现,在一些供应商,Note7仍在出售。Samsungs fire-prone Galaxy Note 7 smartphones are s


调查:三星盖乐世Note7虽说召回却仍在出售 所以你还会来买吗?

Samsung’s fire-prone Galaxy Note 7 smartphones are still on sale in the Chinese mainland, with existing owners facing confusion on how to seek a refund or replacement, China Central Television (CCTV) reports.


Samsung earlier made an apology to Chinese consumers over its faulty product and promised it would recall all 190,984 Note 7s sold in the Chinese mainland and pull it from sale starting Oct. 11.


But a Beijing-based vendor was still selling the Note 7 at 5,400 yuan on Wednesday, saying it had not received any notice on the recall, according to the report.


A Samsung aftersales clerk also told CCTV that consumers seeking a refund or replacement have to wait until the company announces specific measures on the recall.


Samsung’s official aftersales service said the company would release specific rules on the recall within the next couple of days.


China Consumers Association said on Wednesday that it would keep a close watch on the recall and that Samsung should not reject consumer requests for a refund or replacement due to a damaged phone, incomplete or damaged packaging or accessories, or lack of a sales invoice.


