
导读:作为中孟合作的一部分,教育合作也显得尤为重要。目前,中国为孟加拉学生提供国内求学机会,26名孟大学生在上海交通大学深造!Education cooperation is a key part of the China-Bangladesh relationship. An increasing number of



Education cooperation is a key part of the China-Bangladesh relationship. An increasing number of students from Bangladesh are choosing to study in China.


Sharmin Reza Chowdhury is from the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka. She arrived in Shanghai this September to start pursuing her PhD at Shanghai Jiaotong University’s School of Pharmacy.

Sharmin Reza Chowdhury来自孟加拉首都达卡。她于今年9月份来到上海,进入上海交通大学医学院进修博士学位。

"China is very strong in traditional Chinese medicine. My interest is in natural products, and to find some active ingredients that can be used in medicine,"she said. "In my country, synthetic drugs are very expensive. If we can make drugs from natural products, the prices will be much lower."


Many Bangladeshi students like Sharmin are studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University, in disciplines including life sciences, bio-technologies, pharmacy, computer science, mechanical engineering, aeronautics and astronautics, as well as business management.


Shanghai Jiaotong University is one of the country’s best. It currently educates 26 students from Bangladesh, 15 of whom are pursuing PhDs. All 26 are on scholarships from China’s central government, Shanghai’s municipal government, or the university itself.


The scholarships are part of a cooperation program between Beijing and Dhaka.


"I’m studying at the Antai College of Economics and Management for my two-year master’s program, majoring in international business. I think I’m probably the first Bangladesh student studying at Antai College. I think it is a very good sign, a positive sign for my country," said Khalid Hossain, graduate student at Shanghai Jiaotong University.

“我在上海交大安泰经管学院进行为期两年的硕士学习,主修国际商务。我想我可能是首位就读于安泰学院的孟加拉学生。我认为这是个很好的迹象,对我的国家来说是个积极的迹象。”来自上海交通大学的研究生Khaid Hossain说。

