Shanghai recently joined the ranks of other fellow elite cities across the globe as the French company Michelin (米其林) has awarded a select few of its restaurants with their coveted (梦寐以求的) stars. Traditionally, such stars led to prosperity, fame and syndication (企业联合). The majority of the selected restaurants were not local but Cantonese (广式的), which has lead to an uproar by locals and food critics. While the Michelin list is important, no one should blindly follow a guide and consider it dogma (信条).
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As a native San Diegan (圣地亚哥人), I am still waiting for a Michelin list "hyping (炒作)" my hometown's restaurants. Given how close my hometown is to the Mexican border (墨西哥边境), I imagined the list would be full of Mexican restaurants. Yet, something tells me lots of my favorite restaurants would be mysteriously absent. Am I saying I know more than a Michelin food critic? No. I am saying that there are some restaurants with certain cuisines (菜肴) that I prefer over their choices. There are some hole-in-the-wall restaurants that people from outside of San Diego have no idea about and that are worthy of at least one Michelin star if not more—at least in my opinion.
While Michelin guides are famous, they are not the only source of culinary (食物的) information. Upon first coming to China, I relied on Lonely Planet (《孤独星球》) for food and restaurant advice as I was in my backpacker (背包客) phase. If I wanted to entertain my friends from the United States, however, I would turn to something akin to a Michelin guide. Whichever be the case, they show the importance of people's preference. I don't always want a fine dining experience anymore than a ten-yuan meal.
Shanghai is now on the map and Michelin stars have the power to make or break a restaurant. While Cantonese restaurants are the talk of 2016, this isn't a time to discredit Michelin or complain about there being a bias (偏见). Actually, when considering what restaurants are worth a star, Michelin considers the quality of the food, the service and the atmosphere. Doing well in only one category is not enough. It's a call for improvement because this was not the last time Michelin inspectors quietly slipped into Shanghai's dining scene.