剑桥大学素来风景美如画 如今却虫满为患

导读:还记得徐志摩的那首《再别康桥》吗?一首短小的诗歌把世界顶级学府剑桥大学的美景描绘得如痴如醉。可是近日,英国《每日邮报》报道,剑桥大学遭遇了前所未有的虫鸟危机,这是怎么回事呢?一起来了解下!The lawns of Cambridge Univ


剑桥大学素来风景美如画 如今却虫满为患

The lawns of Cambridge University are being torn apart by crows feasting on bugs after an EU ban on a pesticide.


Lawns at seven colleges have been blighted by birds digging up ground in search of the chafer bug, a beetle that lives in soil and feeds on grass roots.


The population has soared since an EU-wide ban on a spray containing a chemical called imidacloprid.


The problem is so severe at two colleges, Jesus and Pembroke, that the lawn is being replaced.


Gardeners have introduced nematodes, microscopic worms that eat chafer grubs in a bid to combat the problem but the method is not proving entirely successful.


A post on the Jesus College Facebook page said: ’The situation has become quite severe over the last two to three weeks and large areas of lawn have suffered as a result, First Court in particular.


’The use of nematodes has proved unreliable.’


Paul Gallant, head gardener of Selwyn College, said the damage is worse at some colleges than others because the grubs only thrive in some types of soil.


He said: ’The grubs like light sandy soil like the soil at Selwyn. Wolfson and Robinson don’t have the problem because they’re on clay.’


The chemical imidacloprid was one of three pesticides harmful to bees banned in April 2013.


The problem could improve over winter as the cold weather will force the grubs deeper into the soil and out of the reach of crows.


