The broader west coast is a stronghold for the Democrats, and significantly more politically progressive and racially diverse than large swathes of central US.
California is also the biggest economy in the US and the sixth largest in the world.
The campaign for independence – variously dubbed Calexit, Califrexit and Caleavefornia – has been regarded as a fringe movement.
Support was revitalized by influential Uber investor and Hyperloop co-founder Shervin Pishevar, in a series of tweets announcing his plans to fund a “legitimate campaign for California to become its own nation” – posted even before the full results were in.
而对这场运动的支持,因为一个举足轻重的人的支持而浴火重生了,这个人就是优步的投资人、超级高铁的联合创始人Shervin Pishevar.他在一连串的推文中宣布他计划筹备一场让加利福尼亚独立建国的合法运动。而这些推文有些甚至是在大选的最终结果出来以前就发布了。