北京初雪如约而至 但是说好的暴雪呢?

导读:中央气象台发布寒潮橙色预警,中国大部分地区将迎来降温,最高降温达到16摄氏度,北京从昨日起也迎来了今年第一场雪。Departments of transportation, environment, power and heat supplies in Beijing have initiated emergency p


北京初雪如约而至 但是说好的暴雪呢?

Departments of transportation, environment, power and heat supplies in Beijing have initiated emergency plans to cope with the first snow forecast to hit the city since Sunday.


According to the meteorological observatory of Beijing, much of the city has been hit with snow since 8 p.m.. The rain and snow are forecast to last more than 40 hours, with a blizzard possible for the western and northern areas of the city.


Beijing Environment Sanitation Engineering Group said a total of 84 snow sweepers, 162 snowmelt watercarts, 91 snow-melting agent spreaders and 96 sidewalk snow sweepers have been prepared for the upcoming snowfall.


Besides, over 3,000 first-line workers are also on guard.


The city’s transportation authorities have also opened green channels for the snow removing vehicles and dispatched additional traffic staff to deal with road accidents and any road infrastructure failure.


More than 2,000 technicians and support staff, 180 emergency buses and 50 relief vehicles of Beijing Public Transport Group have been summoned to ensure a smooth commuting during Monday’s rush hours.


Beijing Heating Group will raise water temperature as the city is forecast to see a significant temperature drop to as low as minus 10 degrees Celsius after the snow.


A total of 136 power generating cars have been prepared for any emergency when the snow hits, the city’s electric power company said.


