尴尬!男子没纸被困厕所里 点外卖让小哥送纸

导读:没带纸被困厕所怎么办?一小伙选择点外卖送纸!Youre on the pot in a restaurant bathroom and notice the empty roll too late. What to do?想象一下你坐在饭店厕所的马桶上,等注意到没厕纸时已经为时已晚,怎么办?Order take o


尴尬!男子没纸被困厕所里 点外卖让小哥送纸

You’re on the pot in a restaurant bathroom and notice the empty roll too late. What to do?


Order take out with a side of napkins delivered to your stall was how a Chongqing man got himself out of that very mess on Thursday.


The 25-year-old surnamed Mei said he was working in Nanping district when he suddenly was gripped with more immediate business.


"I rushed into a nearby restaurant and into the bathroom. I took out my phone and did my thing but then I realized, there’s no toilet paper, and I didn’t have tissues!"


Mei then used his phone to order a meal and make a special request.


Mei said it was only about 10 minutes before he heard a knock on the stall door.


His solution was flush with attention on social media after a photo of his receipt order went viral.


"I really want to thank that delivery guy for slipping the extra napkins under the door," said Mei. "He was standing there when I came out, so for that I’d like to say thanks," he added.


