澳洲小伙4.73秒还原魔方 破世界纪录

导读:想要还原一个魔方,你得花上一些时间才能完成吧,可这个澳洲小伙只用4.73秒就还原了3x3x3魔方,真是神手呀!A student shaved 0.01 seconds off the Rubiks cube speed-solving world record as the previous champion looks on.澳


澳洲小伙4.73秒还原魔方 破世界纪录

A student shaved 0.01 seconds off the Rubik’s cube speed-solving world record as the previous champion looks on.


The video, shot in Sydney, Australia on Sunday, shows Feliks Zemdegs, 20, solving the famous 1980s toy in just 4.73 seconds.

星期天,在澳大利亚悉尼拍摄的视频显示,20岁的Feliks Zemdegs只用了4.73秒就还原了这个上世纪80年代的流行玩具。

The previous world record was set by Mats Valk, 20, who is sat next to Mr Zemdegs as he breaks his record.

坐在Zemdegs旁边的Mats Valk是此前世界纪录的保持者。

Mr Zemdegs, a commerce student at the University of Melbourne, gets ten seconds to inspect the Rubiks cube before he has to solve it.


He tells the judge he is ready and the clock starts. His hands move so fast the camera struggles to pick up his individual finger movements.


He throws the cube down, prompting a big cheer from the crowd. When Mr Zemdegs realises he has broken the record he throws his hands up in celebration.


Mr Zemdegs is famous in the ’speedcubing’ world and has been posting videos and tutorials on YouTube since around 2008.


The first unofficial time he recorded was an average of 19.73 seconds in June 2008 and won the first competition he attended with an average solving time of 13.74 seconds in the final round.


At his next competition, the Melbourne Summer Open (January 2010), Zemdegs set his first world records for 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 average, with times of 9.21 seconds and 42.01 seconds respectively.


