I just heard on the news that in Sweden a union has opened a new hotline, which women can call to talk about mansplaining.
Mansplaining, a combination of the word "man" and "explain," refers to explaining without regard to the fact that the explainee might know more than the explainer, often done by a man to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
You might doubt whether it has already reached a point where women need professional consultation over the phone in face of this "inconvenience."
However, it is more than just a lack of skills in communication among the male gender. Mansplaining is very common. many men often feel that they know better, and it happens in communication situations such as in an office, a classroom, a family’s dinning room and on television by those so-called "experts."
Enough victims are subject to mansplaining that the issue should be properly addressed and resolved.
There are three criteria to fill to say a person is mansplaining.
He assumes he knows better than you do, even if you are fighting your urge every minute to stop him and point out how shallow and ill informed he is.
He starts to share information, regardless of its accuracy, even though you have never asked for it.
He likes doing this, and thinks that he is doing others a favor because if he does not, people are going to remain ignorant.
When reading this, I am sure you can think of at least one fellow in your life who is a mansplainer.
How many times have you heard, "I think you are wrong, so allow me to explain." In some cases, they just start mansplaining without these introductory sentences.
All this time you are pretending to be listening to his blah blah, trying your best to remain polite and decent and picturing how peaceful and silent the world will be again if you could just throw a fireball at him!
Please shut up. I never asked to be informed.
Are you telling me about what women think, and what it is like being a woman?
Come on! Are you seriously lecturing me about my own expertise?
Can you not speak as if you are the king of the world and the wisest person of our time?
My time is so precious. Why do I have to waste it on this?
However, I hope men will not take this as an attack on their gender, because both men and women can be victims. Male or female, we might often face the situation where we have to fight the urge to interrupt the person talking to us.
Sometimes women might be the mansplaining party as well.
I enjoy talking to nice people and seeing what other people’s points of view are. It is the rude assumptions and condescending elocution that I am against.