
导读:英国的国民医疗服务体系将在圣诞节为医护人员、病人及家属提供超过400000顿午餐。The NHS will serve more than 400,000 lunches on Christmas Day in the UK.英国的国民医疗服务体系将在圣诞节提供超过400000顿午餐。The tradition



The NHS will serve more than 400,000 lunches on Christmas Day in the UK.


The traditional turkey meals are for patients, but tens of thousands of staff working on the day will tuck in to their dinner in a hospital canteen.


Across the UK, 12,000 midwives will have to time theirs around delivering 1,800 Christmas babies.


At care homes in England there will be 200,000 staff sitting down to eat during a break in their shift.


Lane House Residential Care Home in Tamworth will be serving turkey with all the trimmings, including roast and mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, parsnips, peas, sprouts and cranberry sauce, followed by Christmas pudding served with either custard or brandy sauce.

位于Tamworth的Lane House Residential Care Home将提供所有配料的火鸡,包括烤肉和土豆泥、馅料、胡萝卜、欧洲防风草、豌豆、豆芽和酸果蔓酱,其次是加奶油或白兰地酱的圣诞布丁。

After lunch there will be a ’film afternoon’ for the residents, along with a buffet tea of finger sandwiches, scotch eggs, sausage rolls, pork pies and mince pies.


At University College Hospital London it will be "business as usual", but with some extra Christmas magic.


Ana Veloso, nursing assistant in the acute medical unit, said: "Christmas Day is extra-special. We put up decorations, the nurses wear hats and earrings, and the patients are given presents."

急性医疗单位的护理助理Ana Veloso说:“圣诞节是特别的。我们进行装饰,护士戴帽子和耳环,病人会收到礼物。”

At Alder Hey children’s hospital in Liverpool. Father Christmas will be paying a visit to the ward.

在利物浦的Alder Hey儿童医院。圣诞老人将探访病房。

Val Shannon, voluntary services manager at Alder Hey, said: "Christmas should always be special for children and our staff will do everything possible to make Christmas Day as magical as possible for our patients.”

Alder Hey的志愿服务经理Val Shannon说:“圣诞节对孩子来说应该总是特别的,我们的工作人员将尽一切可能使圣诞节对我们的病人来说是神奇的。”

"Father Christmas will visit our wards on Christmas morning and every child in the hospital will receive a sack full of presents.”


"There is also a traditional Christmas lunch, prepared by our ward-based chefs and complete with Christmas crackers. We also try to ensure our patients’ families have a special day too, by giving out toys to siblings and providing parents with vouchers for a free meal in the hospital restaurant."


