
导读:据媒体爆料,台湾的两个非洲邦交国近日宣布,不会接受北京的政治献金,它们将会基于互利继续保持与台湾的外交关系。The nations last two African allies have no plans to switch allegiances and break ties with Taipei, despite



The nation’s last two African allies have no plans to switch allegiances and break ties with Taipei, despite Beijing’s efforts to woo them, officials said.


Burkina Faso will not cut relations with Taiwan, despite people and companies with links to China offering funding in return for recognition of the “one China” principle, Burkinabe Minister of Foreign Affairs Alpha Barry said.

布基纳法索外交部长Alpha Barry说道,布基纳法索不会终止与台湾的关系,尽管与中国大陆有关系的人士和公司提供资金作为承认“一个中国”原则的回报。

Swaziland has also said its relationship with Taiwan is based on mutual interests, not money.


“We get outrageous proposals telling us: ‘If you sign with Beijing, we’ll offer you US$50 billion or even more,’” Barry said in an interview in the capital, Ouagadougou, this month. “Taiwan is our friend and our partner. We’re happy and we see no reason to reconsider the relationship.”


Competition between Taiwan and China for diplomatic allies has intensified since President Tsai Ing-wen assumed office in May last year.


Asked about the nation’s ties with Burkina Faso and Swaziland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Eleanor Wang said by telephone: “Our relations are concrete.”


The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to e-mailed and faxed requests for comment.


When asked for comment, Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Wang Ding-yu said: “It is fortunate that certain values and friends are not for sale.”


Wang said the public needs to see the length China will go to in suppressing Taiwan’s international position, panning the Chinese government as conducting “diplomacy by handouts.”


