日本东京街头一首《海阔天空》 转粤语时女观众瞬间泪崩

导读:日本东京街头,一名街头艺人在弹唱日语版的海阔天空,女孩开始不知道他是中国人,后来粤语译出来,瞬间泪奔,感叹音乐的力量。A man singing the Cantonese classic Hai Kuo Tian Kong (As Broad as the Sea and Sky) while playing


日本东京街头一首《海阔天空》 转粤语时女观众瞬间泪崩

A man singing the Cantonese classic “Hai Kuo Tian Kong” (As Broad as the Sea and Sky)” while playing a guitar on the street in Tokyo has gone viral across China’s social media. It has already gained almost 40 million hits on the web.


The singer begins in Japanese and then shifts to Chinese and Cantonese after he saw a Chinese woman in the crowd. She never expected anyone to sing in Chinese in Tokyo, and hearing the song made her homesick and emotional.


Netizens, including quite a lot of Beyond fans, said they were so touched by the man’s street performance.


The man in the video was from Hainan Province and is now a tattoo artist in Shenzhen, in Guangzhou Province. People.com.cn reported he has performed in several European countries.


The video was shot in Christmas, 2015. The song sings of freedom, struggle and encouragement.


