
导读:据美国一项最新研究显示,如果一个人挣钱多,而这个人的另一半又没有给予相应的尊重的话,那么这个人移情别恋的可能性就很大。Anyone who has been cheated on will likely say they didnt see it coming.所有被劈过腿的人可能都会



Anyone who has been cheated on will likely say they didn’t see it coming.


But according to one expert, there is one golden giveaway that infers your partner may well stray.


Indeed, according to relationship expert India Kang, men or women who earn more money than their partner and don’t feel they’re given enough respect may be unfaithful.


India explains that if one partner brings home more money than the other but isn’t treated with respect, they are considering taking their affections elsewhere.


Speaking to FEMAIL, she explained: ’One partner earning more wouldn’t necessarily cheat, providing their partner showed them respect, gratitude and appreciation.


’However, if one partner earns a lot and the other becomes "entitled" or takes their lover for granted or stops being appreciative, the partner is unlikely to stick around.’


India notes that it’s particularly important to a woman to treat a high-flying man with respect.


’Respect for men is like oxygen, men crave respect. If you respect him, he will cherish you.


’Men know it’s their role to protect, provide and support. It’s the woman’s role to receive gracefully, and also to show gratitude and appreciation for his efforts.


’For example, if what he provides is never good enough for her, he’s unlikely to stick around. He’ll take his efforts elsewhere, to someone who will make him feel valued.


’On a similar note, if she’s always nagging, comparing and criticising him, he’ll start looking elsewhere. this works the other way around, too.’


India compares her theory to a workplace scenario, explaining: ’If you came into work and complained about everything, no doubt they’d soon hand you your P45.


’So, for example, if your company was cash rich, plush offices, gave good bonuses and threw great summer parties, yet all you did was sulk and complain about the management, at some point, they’d show you the door.’


