特鲁多带着3岁的儿子去上班 网友被圈粉:温馨超萌

导读:上周三,加拿大总理贾斯廷.特鲁多带着3岁的儿子去上班,儿子活泼好动,为照顾儿子,这位总理可忙坏了!不过,大家纷纷被特鲁多的儿子萌到圈粉了。Looks like it was - bring your kids to work day at the Canadian Parliament as P


特鲁多带着3岁的儿子去上班 网友被圈粉:温馨超萌

Looks like it was - bring your kids to work day at the Canadian Parliament as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau brought his youngest one to work on Wednesday. 3-year-old Hadrien accompanied his daddy and internet’s favourite Justin Trudeau to his office and spent a day knowing all about his father’s job.


From playing hide-and-seek inside his father’s office to sitting in his chair, Hadrien Trudeau did it all. He even addressed the press, with so much poise. The photos are just aww-some.


After Justin Trudeau shared the adorable photos on social media, internet couldn’t cope with the cuteness. Almost everyone agreed,Hadrien was quite a natural. Future PM, maybe?


"Well he looks very at home in the Prime Ministers chair..hmm.. give it 30 years or so and he just might be there as PM," wrote Wendy Jones-Prouse on Facebook.

Wendy Jones-Prouse在脸书上留言,“他坐在总理椅上就像在自己家里一样自在。恩,30年以后,他有可能就是坐在这里的总理。”

"I see a future Prime Minister of Canada, a little serious, but such lovely hair! And he can play peek-a-boo and out-run the current PM. Pull your socks up, sir! You have serious competition," wrote KamlaRamalingam.


"I look at this little guy and wonder if in 30 years we’ll see him as a grown man sitting in that same chair as his Daddy and Grandpa," wrote Linda Lavender.

Linda Lavender说,“看着这个小家伙我在想,再过30年,长大后的他是否能像他的爸爸和爷爷一样,也坐在这张总理椅上。”

Little Hadrien showed no interest as his dad gave press interviews.


And while his father was giving the interview, the 3-year-old disappeared briefly. He was found in the coat closet before dad Justin Trudeau took him inside parliament to meet his colleagues.


Justin Trudeau is a father of three children - 9-year-old Xavier and 8-year-old Ella-Grace and now everybody’s beloved Hadrien. He has been married for 12 years to Sophie Gregoire.


