



网络音视频新规 new rules for online audio and video providers


online service providers should acquire qualifications in accordance with laws and administrative regulations before they release audio and video posts for users, the document said. They should establish and improve mechanisms for user registration, content review and information security management, it said.



There are currently 608 million online music platform users and 759 million video service users in China.


与此同时,传播违法和不良信息(disseminate illegal and harmful information)、侵犯人民群众合法权益(infringe on the people's legitimate rights and interests)等风险隐患也随之增加。特别是随着“深度伪造(deepfake)”等新技术新应用在网络音视频领域的运用,这些风险进一步集聚、放大。

online service providers or users producing, releasing or disseminating digitally-altered audio or video content based on new technologies like deep learning or virtual reality shall mark them as "not real" in a visible way, according to the regulation.


No one shall generate, release or disseminate fake news or information by using such technologies, the document said.



网络音视频信息服务提供者应当部署应用违法违规音视频以及非真实音视频鉴别技术(technologies that can identify illegal or fake audio and video contents),发现音视频信息服务使用者制作、发布、传播法律法规禁止的信息内容的,应当依法依约停止传输该信息,采取消除等处置措施。

网络音视频信息服务提供者应当建立健全辟谣机制(rumor-refuting mechanism),发现网络音视频信息服务使用者利用基于深度学习、虚拟现实等虚假图像、音视频生成技术制作、发布、传播谣言的,应当及时采取相应的辟谣措施,并将相关信息报网信、文化和旅游、广播电视等部门备案。

2019年度十大网络用语 Top 10 online buzzwords



1、不忘初心 remain true to the original aspiration




The original aspiration and the mission of Chinese Communists are to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.


2、道路千万条,安全第一条 On countless roads ahead, safety comes first.

此语的流行源于电影《流浪地球(Wandering Earth)》中反复使用的一句台词,后被多地交警作为交通安全宣传用语采用。网友仿照该句式创造出多种“××千万条,××第一条”的用法,使这一网络用语得到了更广泛的使用和传播。

3、柠檬精 green with envy

“柠檬精”字面意思是柠檬成精,指很喜欢酸别人,嫉妒别人(be jealous of someone)。现多用于自嘲式地表达对他人从外貌到内在、从物质生活到情感生活的多重羡慕(envy someone for his/her good looks, wealth or love life)。

在英语里,green这个词经常用来表达“嫉妒、羡慕”等意思,除了green with envy以外,还有莎士比亚作品中多次出现过的green-eyed monster。


Chad is heading off to Spain for the week, and I'm green with envy.


4、好嗨哟 be so high/get really high



Her spirits get really high after a couple of drinks.


5、是个狼人 someone is a badass/crackerjack



韦氏在线词典对于badass的含义有两种解释:likely to cause trouble : tough and dangerous(危险的、强悍的,可能会引发麻烦);very skillful or impressive(技能高超的,令人印象深刻的)。由此可见,badass既可表达贬义,也可用于褒义,取决于所处的语境。我们可以将其理解为,强悍(凶悍)的、厉害的、拉风的、狂拽酷炫的,或是狠角色。不过要记住的是,badass原本是一个具有冒犯意味的词,所以只能在非正式场合、口语中使用。


He is a real badass, finishing that project on such a tight schedule.


Crackerjack的用法跟badass类似,也是可以用作名词或形容词,指“能力超群的(人);极好的(事物)”。比如:He just bought a crackerjack car.(他刚买了一辆超棒的车。)

6、雨女无瓜 none of your business




Why the hell are you doing this?


Leave me alone!

7、硬核 hardcore

该词最早指说唱音乐(hip hop music/rap music)的一种形式,被认为更具有力量感。后引申为“核心部分、中坚分子”,有厉害、霸气之义。如:硬核技术(hardcore technology)指很关键、很核心的技术;说某人很硬核(someone is hardcore)可以指对方很强硬、很彪悍,跟“是个狼人”有点类似。


He is the hardcore engineer here -- we cannot do without him.


8、996 the 996 work schedule

“996”指工作时间从早上9点到晚上9点,一周工作6天(work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week),代表着中国互联网企业盛行的加班文化(overtime culture in internet companies)。

China's Labor Law prescribes that the working hours of an employee should not exceed an average of eight hours daily, or 44 hours a week.


Employers may extend working hours after consultation with an employee, but shall not exceed three hours a day or 36 hours a month.


The 996 work schedule, however, can easily ratchet up weekly work to 60 hours.


9、14亿护旗手 1.4 billion guardians of the national flag



I'm one of the 1.4 billion guardians of the national flag and I love my motherland.


10、断舍离 simplifying life

一种生活态度,意思是把那些不必需、不合适、过时的东西统统断绝、舍弃,并切断对它们的眷恋(discard everything that is unnecessary, outdated or ill-suited and liberate yourself from it),“断舍离”之后才能过简单清爽的生活。


I'm simplifying my life lately, dumping tons of unwanted things.


新能源汽车 new energy vehicles (NEVs)



Sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs) are expected to make up about 25 percent of the total new car sales and those of intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs) will be lifted to about 30 percent by 2025, according to the draft plan.



新能源汽车(new energy vehicles,NEVs)指采用新型动力系统,完全或主要依靠新型能源驱动的汽车,具有能耗低(low energy consumption)、污染物排放少(low pollutant emission)等特点,主要包括插电式混合动力汽车(plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV)、纯电动汽车(battery electric vehicles ,简称BEV)和燃料电池汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)。

智能网联汽车(intelligent connected vehicles,ICVs)是指搭载先进的车载传感器、控制器、执行器(onboard sensors, controllers and actuators)等装置,并融合现代通信与网络技术,实现车与X(人、车、路、后台等)智能信息交换共享(intelligent information exchange and sharing),具备复杂的环境感知、智能决策(intelligent decision-making)、协同控制和执行等功能,可实现安全、舒适、节能、高效行驶(safe, comfortable, energy-saving and efficient driving),并最终可替代人来操作的新一代汽车。

在研发方面,征求意见稿重新定义了“三纵三横”,中国将形成以纯电动汽车(battery electric vehicles BEV)、插电式混合动力汽车(plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,PHEV)、燃料电池汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)为“三纵”,以动力电池与管理系统(battery and managing system)、驱动电机与电力电子(driving motor and power electronics)、网联化与智能化技术(internet and intelligent technologies)为“三横”的研发布局。

征求意见稿提出,力争经过15年持续努力,纯电动汽车成为主流,燃料电池汽车实现商业化应用(fuel-cell electric vehicles will be ready for commercial use),公共领域用车全面电动化(all vehicles used for public services will be electrically powered),高度自动驾驶智能网联汽车趋于普及,有效促进节能减排水平和社会运行效率提升。

2018年国际学生评估项目 PISA2018

The latest 2018 Program for International Student Assessment, hosted every three years by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, found that 15-year-olds in Beijing, Shanghai and the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang ranked No 1 in all three core subjects of reading, science and mathematics.


They are followed by students from Singapore and China's two special administrative regions -- Macao and Hong Kong. The top OECD countries were Estonia, Canada, Finland, and Ireland.



国际学生评估项目(Program for International Student Assessment,PISA)是经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,OECD)于2000年发起的对基础教育进行跨国家(地区)、跨文化的评价项目,目的是对15岁学生的阅读、数学、科学素养和运用知识解决现实问题能力(measure students' ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges)进行评价,反映学生参与未来生活的能力。PISA参与成员主要是OECD成员国家(地区),吸收非成员国家(地区)参加,每三年进行一次,根据测评年份命名。

The OECD's PISA 2018 tested around 600,000 15-year-old students in 79 countries and regions on reading, science, and mathematics. The main focus was on reading, with most students doing the test on computers.



In B-S-J-Z (China), socio-economically advantaged students outperformed disadvantaged students in reading by 82 score points in PISA 2018. this is not significantly different from the average difference between the two groups (89 score points) across OECD countries.


School principals in B-S-J-Z (China) reported more staff shortage and less material shortage than the OECD average; and school principals of disadvantaged schools more often reported staff shortage than principals of advantaged schools.


In B-S-J-Z (China), boys outperformed girls in mathematics by 11 score points. Across OECD countries, boys outperformed girls by five score points. While girls slightly outperformed boys in science (by two score points) on average across OECD countries in PISA 2018, in B-S-J-Z (China) boys outperformed girls in science by 12 score points.


In almost every education system, girls expressed greater fear of failure than boys, and this gender gap was considerably wider amongst top-performing students.


In B-S-J-Z (China), students spent 31.8 hours in the classroom on average, ranking fourth among all 79 countries and regions. The learning efficiency of students in B-S-J-Z (China) ranked 44th, 46th and 54th for reading, math and science, respectively, and the students' satisfaction about learning only ranked 61st.


冬奥会志愿者全球招募 global recruitment for Winter Olympics volunteers

According to the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (BOCOG), 27,000 Games volunteers will be needed for the Olympic Winter Games and 12,000 for the Paralympic Winter Games.


Successful candidates will be trained to assist organizers in 12 service categories before and during the Games, including international liaison, competition organization, media operations and venue services, in three zones: downtown Beijing, the capital's northwest Yanqing district and Zhangjiakou, according to Beijing 2022 organizers.






As a highly significant branding and visual element of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, the volunteer logo is designed to fully arouse the enthusiasm of the volunteers; carry forward and foster the volunteering spirit; and build a culture dedicated to embodying the volunteering spirit.


The red and yellow colour in the logo symbolises passion and hospitality. The motif of the universally-acknowledged sign language for “I love you” manifests global, trending and youthful ideas. The elegant and dynamic "ribbon" represents the rhythm of a heartbeat and showcase the vision for a "Joyful rendezvous upon pure ice and snow".


The upper part of the logo resembles a triple "V," signifying a winning streak and the aspirations of volunteers to participate in the Winter Games. The smiling face on the bottom half of the logo aims to inspire dedication, friendship and happiness. A volunteer's smile will light up the Beijing 2022 Games. It is both the legacy of the Beijing 2008 Games and the embodiment of the volunteering spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress.

标志上半部图形由寓意连胜的“VVV”组成,象征志愿者“手拉手” 参与冬奥服务冬奥的热情;图形下半部分“笑脸”表达了“奉献、爱与微笑”的主题。志愿者的微笑是北京最好的名片,既是对2008年北京奥运会的传承,也是对志愿精神“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的体现。

繁体字 traditional Chinese character

Schools should use standard, simplified Chinese in teaching, based on relevant laws, the Ministry of Education said recently, playing down concerns that the use of simplified Chinese is detrimental to preserving cultural heritage.


In response to a proposal made this year by a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the ministry said students can also learn about traditional Chinese when they learn about Chinese classic writings and Chinese calligraphy at school.



1952年2月5日,在中央教育部的筹划下,由中国文字改革协会改组合并其他机构组成中国文字改革研究委员会,收集民间及民国以来主张汉字简化学者们的建议(suggestions concerning simplifying Chinese characters)。1952年3月25日,文字改革研究委员会汉字整理组成立,开始着手拟定《常用汉字简化表草案》。第一次由政府正式公布并成功得到贯彻实施的简体字方案和字表是1956年由中华人民共和国国务院公布的《汉字简化方案》,并最终制定出了一个《简化字总表(a list of simplified Chinese characters)》。现在我们通用的是1986年重新发布的《简化字总表》,总共收录了2235个字。

关于简化汉字“因简害义”“有损汉字的艺术美和规律性,不利于文化传承”的问题,教育部介绍,自古以来,汉字由繁趋简的发展演变趋势十分显著(Chinese characters have undergone constant simplification)。

简化字伴随着汉字的产生而发展,已有三千多年的历史。早在甲骨文(oracle bone script)和金文(Chinese Bronze Inscriptions)中,汉字就有了简体形式;南北朝以来楷书(regular script)、草书(cursive writing style)、行书(running hand)中也不断有简体字产生。现行简化字即是遵循约定俗成的原则,通过搜集、整理、筛选千百年来在民间通行的简体字(collect, sort and select simplified characters widely used for hundreds of years),在广泛征求意见基础上确定简化字体并经过一段时间的试行后确定的,具有历史继承性、体系性和深厚的群众基础。

从汉字形体构成的规律看,形声构字(pictophonetic characters)是主要的构字方法,如果仅从会意字(associative compounds)方向去理解汉字,就背离了汉字构形事实。


汉字的造字结构通常有四种,分别为:象形字(pictographs),比如,马、口、门等;形声字(pictophonetic characters),一般是一个偏旁部首加一个汉字组成,比如,吗、妈等;会意字( associative compounds),用两个及两个以上的独体汉字,根据各自的含义所组合成的一个新汉字,比如,休、旦等;指事字(self-explanatory characters),当没有、或不方便用具体形象画出来时,就用一种抽象的符号来表示。大多数指事字是在象形字的基础上添加、减少笔画或符号,比如,上、下、凶等。

教育部还表示,文字并不完全等同于文化,文字是记录、传递文化信息的工具,中华文化的大量信息是通过汉字记录下来的(a large amount of information on Chinese culture was recorded in Chinese characters)。要读懂这些信息首先要能读懂汉字记录的各个历史时期的汉语书面语,但经过长期的历史发展,汉语发生了很大变化,人们现在通过文字资料了解古代文化信息的困难主要在于记录这些信息的语言从古至今发生了很大变化,认识繁体字的人不经过专门的古汉语、古代文化知识等的学习、培训,也一样读不懂古典诗文(people who understand traditional Chinese may not necessarily understand classic writings without proper training),不能了解中华传统文化、知晓中国文化的由来。同样,现在古典诗文都已经有简化字版,如果不经过专门训练,也一样读不懂。


俄罗斯被禁赛 Russia banned from Olympics



The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on Monday banned Russia from major global sporting events in the next four years including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and 2022 World Cup in Qatar after accusing Moscow of falsifying data from an anti-doping laboratory.


Under the sanctions, the Russian flag and anthem are also prohibited from being displayed at major events.


If the bans are ultimately enforced, Russian athletes who can prove they are untainted by the doping scandal will be able to compete compete under a neutral flag.



根据世界反兴奋剂机构官网发布的新闻稿,这里所说的“大型国际赛事(major global events)”包括以下四类:

(a) the Youth Olympic Games (summer and winter);


(b) the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (summer and winter);


(c) any other event organized by a Major Event Organisation;


(d) any World Championships organized or sanctioned by any Signatory.


Wada says Rusada has 21 days to appeal against the ban. If it does so, the appeal will be referred to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas).


Russian president Vladimir Putin said the country had grounds to appeal against the decision.



Despite the ban, Russia will be able to compete at Euro 2020 - in which St Petersburg will be a host city - as European football's governing body Uefa is not defined as a 'major event organization' with regards to rulings on anti-doping breaches.


Fifa said it had "taken note" of Wada's decision, adding: "Fifa is in contact with Wada to clarify the extent of the decision in regards to football."


The promoters of the F1 Russian Grand Prix 2020 also said they were "confident" the race would go ahead because their contract was signed before the Wada investigation and runs until 2025.




A total of 168 Russian athletes competed under a neutral flag at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.


这些清白的参赛运动员被称为“来自俄罗斯的奥林匹克运动员(Olympic Athletes from Russia)”,在平昌冬奥会上,伴随他们出现的是国际奥委会会旗(the Olympic flag)、国际奥林匹克会歌(the Olympic Anthem),运动员获得的任何奖牌都不属于俄罗斯。


keep employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign and domestic investments, and expectations stable

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting Friday to analyze and study the economic work for 2020 and make plans for improving conduct and building integrity as well as fighting corruption. "The basic trend of steady long-term growth for China's economy remains unchanged at present and for a period to come," the meeting said, stressing transforming external pressure into motivation for deepening reform and furthering opening-up, and focusing on running China's own affairs well.




We should improve people's living standards and pay particular attention to ensuring employment for key groups such as college graduates, veterans, laid-off and rural migrant workers, as well as those returning to rural areas.




Preventing and defusing financial risks is relevant to national security, overall development, and the security of people's property, and is a key threshold that the country must cross to achieve high-quality growth.




We need to promote development through opening-up and deepen exchanges and cooperation among us. We need to “join hands” with each other instead of “letting go” of each other’s hands. We need to “tear down walls”, not to “erect walls”. We need to stand firm against protectionism and unilateralism. We need to continually bring down trade barriers, optimize global value and supply chains, and jointly foster market demand.




Going forward, China will open up still wider. We will import more goods and services, ease market access for foreign investments, and step up intellectual property protection. With these efforts, we will break new ground in pursuing all-dimensional, multi-tiered and all-sectoral opening-up in China.




Concrete measures should be taken to make financing for medium-sized, small and micro firms easier and affordable, and to stabilize and support employment.




The Chinese economy has continued its stable and sound performance, with its GDP growing within a proper range of more than 6% for years running. On top of the steps we have taken recently, China will further unveil major measures aimed at breaking new ground in opening-up and delivering high-quality development.


空气污染防护 protection against air pollution


The guideline suggested that kindergartens, primary and middle schools as well as indoor gyms be equipped with air purifiers to reduce concentration of PM2.5. Schools should suspend outdoor activities and avoid strenuous exercise indoors, the guideline suggested.



雾(fog)和霾(haze)的区别为:雾的相对湿度(the relative humidity)一般在90%以上,而霾在80%以下,但通常两者并存。能见度(visibility)在1公里以下的称为雾,1公里以上但小于10公里的属于灰霾(dust haze)现象。



霾对健康的直接影响以刺激症状和急性效应为主,主要表现:眼和咽喉部刺激(eye and throat irritation)、咳嗽(cough)、呼吸困难(breathing difficulty)、鼻塞流鼻涕(stuffy nose and runny nose)、皮疹(skin rash)等,上呼吸道感染(upper respiratory tract infection)、哮喘(asthma)、结膜炎(pink eye)、支气管炎(bronchitis)等疾病的症状增强,部分呼吸系统和心血管系统疾病的发病率、就诊率、入院率增高等。


重点人群主要有三类,第一类为儿童、老人、孕妇等敏感人群(vulnerable groups including children, the elderly and pregnant women);第二类为心肺疾病患者(those suffering from heart and lung diseases),如患有冠心病、心力衰竭、哮喘或慢性阻塞性肺疾病的病人;第三类为长期在户外作业的人员(outdoor workers),如交警、环卫工人、建筑工人等。


轻度霾天气(mild smog)时:儿童、老人、孕妇及心肺疾病患者等应当减少外出及户外运动(cut time spent outdoor),多在室内运动或调整锻炼时间,尽量避免霾污染高峰时段外出锻炼。

中度霾天气(moderate smog)时:儿童、老人、孕妇及心肺疾病患者等应当避免外出及户外运动(avoid going outdoor)。

重度霾天气时(heavy smog):儿童、老人、孕妇及心肺疾病患者等应当留在室内(stay indoor);重点人群必须外出时,应当佩戴配有呼吸阀的防护口罩(wear protective masks equipped with respirators),佩戴口罩前应当向专业医师咨询确认;户外作业人员要佩戴具有防霾功能的口罩(smog-proof masks)。回到家中要及时更换衣物、清洗面部、鼻腔及裸露的皮肤(change clothes and wash their face, nasal cavity and skin exposed to the air)。

