Parents have to walk that fine line between being in charge and still being cool. On one hand, you have to lay down the law. On the other, you want to be the parent that your kids can come and talk to.
Mum is in a meeting. 9:30-11:00. Do Not Enter! The answer to your question might be here: upstairs, in the wash, I don’t know what’s for dinner, No, in your bedroom, piece of fruit.
I forgot to buy more snacks. I hope my love is enough fuel to get you through the day. XO, mom.
One cannot live on love alone. (光靠爱可活不下去啊)
Kefta is for dinner. Touch Not!
This is not a note to remind you that I love you. We just have no napkins left. Kisses, Mom.
I spent 1.5 hours cleaning this kitchen. If you mess it up… I WILL CUT YOU. Mom
The heart is a nice touch.(心心倒是画得不错)
滚筒洗衣机盖子上贴着Close me! (给我关上!)
Want today’s WiFi passwords?
1. Make your beds.
2. Vacuum downstairs.
3. Walk the dog.
1. 把床叠了
2. 把楼下用吸尘器打扫了
3. 再把狗遛了
Kevin and Molly,
I worked very hard on this kitchen today. The counters and sink were clean and empty. I also washed the floor! If you don’t leave the kitchen the way you found it. I will punch you in the throat. Love mom
Kevin, Molly. 我费了老大劲把厨房搞干净了,灶台和水池都干净整洁。地我也拖了!要是你俩用完厨房之后跟之前的卫生状况有半点不一样。我就给你一比斗!爱你们的妈妈留。
I’m happy that you’re trying to help me, but, please, stop pouring the water in this vase. These flowers are artificial.
Put dirty clothes in me!
Yours sincerely,
dirty laundry basket.
P.S. I’m watching you!!!
请把脏衣服放到我里面来。此致,你的脏衣篓。PS. 谁的小眼睛,还没看我!
Every time you don’t eat your sandwich, a unicorn dies. #DadFact# Love, Dad.
你只要有一次不吃三明治,世界上就会有一只独角兽死去。#老爸冷知识# 爱你的爸爸留。
Please do not eat unless you get permission from me!
OK, Chela. We took $3 from your piggy bank. This cereal is now yours to control. Mama and Dada.
Feed me.
The dishes will not wash themselves.
You have missed curfew! Do not knock or ring the doorbell. You may sleep on the patio. I have been generous this time and provided a blanket.