政策松绑“地摊经济” 保民生稳就业

近期,多座城市的地摊经济在疫情防控常态化的同时,悄然复苏了。上海思南公馆露天夜市的游人。(图片来源:中国日报网)Cities around China started allowing people to set up roadside booths or food stalls on streets on a regular b


政策松绑“地摊经济” 保民生稳就业


Cities around China started allowing people to set up roadside booths or food stalls on streets on a regular basis over the weekend.


The vendors had been banned to keep the cities clean, and their return is expected to help increase people's incomes and revive local economies hit hard by the novel coronavirus outbreak.


日前,中央文明办在今年全国文明城市测评指标中,已明确要求不将占道经营(roadside booths)、马路市场(street markets)、流动商贩(mobile vendors)列为文明城市测评考核内容,推动文明城市创建在恢复经济社会秩序、满足群众生活需要的过程中发挥更加积极的作用。


Night markets and food stalls can be opened in designated areas in parks, public squares and empty spaces as long as they don't interrupt traffic and local life. They also have to pass environmental protection assessments, the office said.


People are also being allowed to set up temporary roadside businesses. There will be no charge for running a business in a designated roadside area, but they must operate in an orderly manner, the office said.



Chengdu has designated more than 2,234 roadside business areas, 82 promotion areas on streets near large shopping malls and 17,891 vending spots, creating more than 100,000 jobs, the city government said.



夜间经济 nighttime economy

实体经济 real economy

支柱产业 pillar industry

消费升级 consumption upgrade

调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure

刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand

