广西男子爬楼救被困女童 视频网上疯传

A video went viral online that showed a man saving a 2-year-old girl who was stuck in the burglar bars of her apartment in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.一段视频在网上疯传开来,该视频显示广西壮族自治区南宁市

A video went viral online that showed a man saving a 2-year-old girl who was stuck in the burglar bars of her apartment in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.


On Sunday, the toddler, who was home alone, climbed to the balcony of her home on the fifth floor and became trapped in the burglar bars.


Xu Hongwei, a former member of the armed police, climbed up the building's balconies to reach the girl and held her up with hands to keep her from falling for nearly half an hour. He comforted her by saying, "I am with you. Come on, climb down the balcony."

曾任武警队员的徐宏伟爬上了大楼的阳台,用双手扶住了小女孩,为防止她摔倒他维持这个姿势近半个小时。 他安慰她说:“我和你在一起。来吧,爬下阳台。”

The girl was finally saved with the help of other neighbors.


"I was once in the armed police, so I just did what I should do. It's an instinctive reaction," Xu said.


