
8月3日16时30分,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生6.5级地震。截至今天(4日)8时地震已造成381人遇难,其中昭通鲁甸县302人,昭阳区1人;巧家县66人;曲靖市会泽县12人 ① 中国地震局将此次地震应急响应提升为I级 ② 昭通血站告急!呼吁大家到昭通市中

 8月3日16时30分,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生6.5级地震。截至今天(4日)8时地震已造成381人遇难,其中昭通鲁甸县302人,昭阳区1人;巧家县66人;曲靖市会泽县12人 ① 中国地震局将此次地震应急响应提升为I级 ② 昭通血站告急!呼吁大家到昭通市中心血站采血岗亭或流动采血点献血。联系电话:0870-2235613/2235632 ③ 牛栏江形成一堰塞湖,村民生命财产受威胁 ④ 预计未来三天鲁甸震区将有雷雨,提醒防范地质灾害 ⑤ 沙乐公路已畅通,救灾物资正运往灾区。

Death toll rises to 381 from China quake

At least 381 people have been killed as of 8:40 am Monday after a 6.5-magnitude earthquake rattled Southwest China's Yunnan province Sunday afternoon, rescuers said.

The strong quake struck at 4:30 p.m. Sunday (Beijing Time) with a depth of 12 km. The epicenter is in Longtoushan Township, 23 km southwest of the county seat of Ludian, the China Earthquake Networks Center reported.

According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, there are more than 57-thousand residents across the region who need to be moved for safety reasons.


Jiang Haikun is an official from the Center.

"The geological conditions in Ludian County are very complicated. It is also a populous area. These factors have posed huge challenges to earthquake prevention and disaster relief work. Following the earthquake, we have met with local earthquake administrations. It is expected that in the coming few days, the area is likely to see strong aftershocks ranging from 5 to 6 magnitude."

More than 12-thousand homes have been destroyed. At least 30-thousand others have been damaged. The quake has also cut traffic, electricity, and telecommunications in Ludian County.

Local authorities have dispatched more than 7,000 rescuers to the quake zone, including troops, police officers, fire-fighters and government officials.

They were joined by more than 2,500 troops sent by the Chengdu Military Area Command of the People's Liberation Army, and 60 medical workers and 90 rescuers sent by authorities in the neighboring Sichuan Province.

