Chinese Internet conglomerates are coming out with virtual credit card services to facilitate smoother digital transactions as they vie for a bigger share of their respective payment niches.中国的互联网巨头公司都在为各自
Chinese Internet co
nglomerates are coming out
with virtual credit card services to facilitate smoother digital transactions as they vie for a bigger share of their respective payment niches.
“余额宝”、“理财通”等在线理财产品(online wealth management products)的热潮还没有过去,腾讯和阿里巴巴两大公司最近又推出虚拟信用卡(virtual credit card),吸引那些平时喜爱网购又有点资金周转困难的人们。
这种虚拟信用卡将跟用户的支付宝(Alipay)或财付通(Tenpay)账户绑定,用户的信用额度由之前的消费数据决定。支付宝信用卡的基准信用额度(benchmark credit limit)为200元;财付通的额度则分为50元、200元、1000元,以及5000元四档,用户还可享受50天的免息期(50-day interest-free period)。