
签证法规用英语怎么说?The European unionis proposing to simplify visa rules in an aim to stimulate the economy by wooing global tourists, especially from China, a top EU official has said.欧盟一位高级官员表示,欧盟


The European union   is proposing to simplify visa rules in an aim to stimulate the economy by wooing global tourists, especially from China, a top EU official has said.


这位官员表示,现行的欧盟签证法规(visa rules)主要存在的问题包括:需要等候很长时间与领事机关预约见面(long wait times to get an appointment with consular offices)、长时间等候签发签证(long wait times to get the visa issued)以及要求申请者提供一系列繁琐的证明文件(the complex series of supporting documents)等。

此次提出的简化提案将签证申请流程(visa application processing)的时间由之前的15天缩短为10天,简化证明文件(supporting documents)法规,为经常往返欧洲的旅客发放多年有效的多次入境签证(multi-entry visa valid for several years);同时,该提案还建议设立新的旅游签证(touring visa),持有者可在申根区域(Schengen area)停留和跨境旅游一年,并可延期一年。

