门线技术goal-line technology

门线技术goal-line technologyIn Porto Alegre, France survived a bruising encounter with Honduras, but passed the test with aplomb in a game where Benzema grabbed two and goal-line technology was used to confirm the b

门线技术goal-line technology

In Porto Alegre, France survived a bruising encounter with Honduras, but passed the test with aplomb in a game where Benzema grabbed two and goal-line technology was used to confirm the ball had crossed the line for the first time at a World Cup.


门线技术(goal-line technology),有时也被称为Goal Decision System,是本届世界杯使用的高科技设备之一,指利用电子监控设备确认足球完全越过球门线,以协助主裁判做出进球判定。当监控设备确认足球已完全越过球门线时,系统会自动向主裁判配戴的手表发送信息,显示goal(进球)字样。

本届世界杯使用的另一项高科技手段是vanishing spray(消散式喷雾),这是一种类似剃须膏的水状喷雾,用以明确任意球(free kick)和防守人墙(defensive wall)之间10码(9.15米)的距离,因此这个喷雾的名称就叫9.15。同时,任意球所在的位置也会被裁判喷一个圆圈来进行限制,以免球员罚球时将球往前移动。这个喷雾的神奇之处在于,喷在草坪上45秒到2分钟内,它就会自动消散,完全不留痕迹。

