巴黎式借过法Parisian pass

巴黎式借过法Parisian pass借过,借过!想要在拥挤的人群中移动到自己想去的地方,免不了要请别人让一下道,但是借过有时候也会被某些人当成泡妞的手段,这种做法就叫Parisian pass(巴黎式借过法)。Parisian pass is often performed i

巴黎式借过法Parisian pass

“借过,借过!”想要在拥挤的人群中移动到自己想去的地方,免不了要请别人让一下道,但是借过有时候也会被某些人当成泡妞的手段,这种做法就叫Parisian pass(巴黎式借过法)。

巴黎式借过法Parisian passcription="编辑提供的本地文件" sourcename="本地文件" style="width: 500px; height: 334px" src="https://www.yingyuw.cn/file/upload/202105/06/143139302.jpg" />

 Parisian pass is often performed in crowded bars. The passer touches a person to let them know he needs to get through but allows his hand to linger longer than necessary. The maneuver is often used as a subtle way to flirt.



Girl 1: I don't think he's interested in you.

Girl 2: But he just gave me a Parisian pass on his way to the bar...

Girl 1: Looks like you've found your guy for the night!




