China has released a development plan for the production of TV series, stepping up the regulation of the income distribution system and pay levels for performers.
规划强调,严格执行每部电视剧全部演员总片酬不得超过制作总成本40%(actors will have their pay capped at 40% of total production costs),主要演员片酬不得超过演员总片酬70%(lead actors cannot be paid more than 70% of total cast pay)的制作成本配置比例规定。
The plan, released by the National Radio and Television Administration, aims at promoting fair competition in TV series production, preventing vicious expansion of capital, and encouraging healthy interactions between capital and the development of the industry.
The administration will push for the establishment of standardized and institutionalized payment contracts in a unified form in the next few years, according to the plan.
It said malpractices, including tax evasion and the provision of payments significantly higher than the normal level, will be seriously dealt with.
规划指出,将对偷逃税、 “天价片酬”等违法违规行为进行严肃处理。
薪酬帽(薪酬上限)salary cap
逃税 tax evasion
收入分配秩序 income distribution system
演员天价片酬 sky-high remuneration of actors and actresses