
1. The red car cost her an arm and a leg.这辆红色的小汽车花了她很多钱。2.Lend me an ear.听我说。3.Smile from ear to ear.笑容满面。4.Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。5.I am all ears.愿闻其详。6.pull a long face.愁眉苦脸(在东北

1. The red car cost her an arm and a leg.这辆红色的小汽车花了她很多钱。

2.Lend me an ear.听我说。

3.Smile from ear to ear.笑容满面。

4.Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。

5.I am all ears.愿闻其详。

6.pull a long face.愁眉苦脸(在东北拉拉个长脸是不高兴的意思吧?)。

7.It's in God's hands.听天由命吧。

8.My hands are tied(好污).我无能为力了。

9.bury one's head in the sand(说的是鸵鸟).逃避现实。

10.make one's mouth water.使人垂涎三尺。

11.his nose is running.他正在流鼻涕。

