老挝飞机失事 两名中国人遇难

老挝飞机失事 两名中国人遇难中国大使馆已证实老挝QV301失事航机上两名中国公民遇难。该出事飞机于北京时间15时50分从万象瓦岱机场起飞,17时左右在即将抵达巴色机场时发生故障,坠入湄公河,乘客全部遇难。The Chinese embassy has conf

 老挝飞机失事 两名中国人遇难


The Chinese embassy has confirmed that two Chinese citizens were killed when Lao Airlines flight QV301 crashed Wednesday afternoon in Champassak province, Laos.

44 killed in Laos plane crash

A Lao Airlines plane flying in stormy weather crashed into the Mekong river in southern Laos on Wednesday, killing all 44 people on board, among them nationals of 10 countries.

The virtually new ATR-72 turboprop plane flying from the capital Vientiane crashed at about 4.10 pm (0910 GMT) just eight kilometers (five miles) short of its destination Pakse, which is near the borders of both Thailand and Cambodia.

The airline said in a statement it had yet to determine the cause of the crash, in which a senior aviation official said the tail end of Typhoon Nari may have been a factor.

Those killed were mostly Lao nationals. But seven French nationals were also killed, the country's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said.

