
市人民委员会副主席武文焕在泰国-胡志明市商务联系论坛上表示,越泰关系在政治、经济、文化和人文交流等多个领域都取得了显着进展。The Vietnam-Thailand relations have seen remarkable progress in multiple areas, from politics, ec


    The Vietnam-Thailand relations have seen remarkable progress in multiple areas, from politics, economy to culture and people-to-people exchange, Vo Van Hoan, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee told the Thailand-HCMC Business Connection Forum.


    Thailand remains Vietnam’s largest trade partner in ASEAN, he said, adding that Thailand is also Vietnam’s ninth biggest investor with more than 600 projects which have total registered investment of over US$13 billion.

    他强调胡志明市是泰国的主要合作伙伴,因为两国之间的贸易额在 2021 年超过 28 亿美元。泰国目前经营 235 个项目,价值约 4.82 亿美元,在越南南部经济中心的外国投资者中排名第 12。泰国投资的项目主要集中在机械、化学、食品、建筑材料、旅游、仓储和物流等领域。

    He highlighted HCMC as a major partner of Thailand, given that trade between the two sides exceeded $2.8 billion in 2021. Thailand currently operates 235 projects worth around $482 million, ranking 12th among foreign investors in the Vietnamese southern economic hub. Most of Thai-invested projects are in mechanics, chemistry, food, construction materials, tourism, warehouse and logistics.



    Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh said there are hundreds of thousand Vietnamese people living in Thailand who are acting as a catalyst for the bilateral relations to grow further.

    Thanh 说,越南投资者在泰国经营着大约 1,000 家企业,主要是中小型企业,并指出他们主要专注于工业、农业、食品加工、进出口、货物分销、物流、服务、建筑、酒店和其他。

    Vietnamese investors are running about 1,000 businesses, mostly small- and medium-sized, in Thailand, Thanh said, noting that they mainly specialise in industry, agriculture, food processing, export-import, goods distribution, logistics, services, construction, hospitality and others.


    There is plenty of room left for the two countries to step up trade, investment and tourism, he emphasised, recommending both sides to strengthen direct economic linkages between their localities and enterprises.



     The diplomat suggested the establishment of a network for distribution of Vietnamese goods in Thailand and a similar one of Thailand in HCMC; and that the two sides should cooperate to launch tours connecting their destinations.


    Ho Van Lam, Chairman of the Thailand-Vietnam Business Association, urged HCMC to continue organising promotion events to enable Thai major groups, enterprises and people and Vietnamese expats to seek partnership with those in the city. At the same time, the city must provide information regarding investment incentives and procedures for Thai investors and traders on a regular basis, he added.

