
视频video社区视频监控系统中字符叠加装置的设计The design of character-overlapping device in video supervision system of community社区community国色天香very beautiful视频的video牡丹被中国人誉为国色天香。The peony is praised

  • 视频video

  • 社区视频监控系统中字符叠加装置的设计The design of character-overlapping device in video supervision system of community

  • 社区community

  • 国色天香very beautiful

  • 视频的video

  • 牡丹被中国人誉为国色天香。The peony is praised to be a national beauty and heavenly fragrance by Chinese people.

  • 国色天香;国色天姿celestial Beauty

  • 她是国色天香。She is national and celestial beauty.

  • 社区服务community services

  • 视频会议videoconference

  • 社区学院community college

  • 这幅《国色天香图》绘制得栩栩如生。This Picture of National Beauty is vivid and lifelike.

  • 视频节目video program

  • 网络视频Internet video

  • 社区中心community center

  • 不但如此,他还用神秘的口吻谈起国色天香的女人,大家都疑心他曾经一度跟一位伯爵夫人关系暧昧。He spoke mysteriously, too, of splendid women, and was suspected of having once committed himself with a Countess

  • 视频采集卡video capture board

  • 虚拟社区virtual community

  • 视频点播video-on-demand

  • 以社区为单位的Free-Nets

