你放心让孩子晚上一个人出去吗?Do you trust the child to go out alone at night?
许多人睡不着觉,几乎没有属于自己的时间,这让她们感到没有成就感,没有快乐。Surviving on little sleep and with little time for themselves, many find they are unfulfilled and unhappy.
我决定今天晚上一个人去看场电影。I've decided to go to see a film alone this evening.
等待着另一只鞋子响声的那个人睡不着觉。The man waiting for the sound of the other shoe could not get to sleep.
他父亲不允许他晚上一个人外出。His father would not countenance him going out alone in the night.
睡不着stay awake
女孩子晚上一个人出外是很危险的。It's unsafe for girls to go out alone at night.
埃尔顿把他在夜里睡不着时所记熟的故事,几乎一字不错的复述了一遍。Almost word for word, Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.
晚上一个男子走过来,背上背着行李包a man came up one evening,humping his swag
那位妇人说结婚20年来,听不到她丈夫的呼噜声,她就睡不着觉。The woman said that she could not sleep without her husband's snore after 20 years of marriage.
“好吧,"他对自己说,忍不住皱紧了眉头。 "就让她一个人睡吧。”"All right," he said to himself, with an irrepressible frown, "let her sleep alone."
整整一夜他在床上翻来覆去地睡不着。All night long he turned and tossed in bed.
哈德森夫人晚上不肯一个人在家;她胆子很小。Mrs Hudson won't stay alone in her house at night; she is afraid of her own shadow.
午夜后的几个小时父亲一直睡不着。Father lay awake through the wee hours in the morning.
我警告你晚上不要一个人单独外出。I warn you not to go out alone at night.
她晚上睡不着觉是想家想的。The reason that she cannot sleep at night is that she misses her family.
我不喜欢在下雷雨时独自一个人呆着。I don't like being by myself during a thunder storm.
你放心让孩子晚上一个人出去吗?Do you trust the child to go out alone at night?许多人睡不着觉,几乎没有属于自己的时间,这让她们感到没有成就感,没有快乐。Surviving on little sleep and with little time for themselves, many find