
年轻的youthy她讨好她的阿姨。She is kissing up to her aunt.最年轻的minimus年轻young阿姨auntie过去的整整一年中这位年轻的妻子是怎样使她丈夫不沾一滴酒的?How did the young wife keep her husband off alcohol all last year?那个

  • 年轻的youthy

  • 她讨好她的阿姨。She is kissing up to her aunt.

  • 最年轻的minimus

  • 年轻young

  • 阿姨auntie

  • 过去的整整一年中这位年轻的妻子是怎样使她丈夫不沾一滴酒的?How did the young wife keep her husband off alcohol all last year?

  • 那个临终的妇女把她五个孩子托付给孩子们的阿姨。The dying woman commended her five children to their aunt.

  • 向我的阿姨路易丝问好。Say hi to my aunt Louise.

  • 政界头面人物推举这位年轻的律师出来竞选市长,这真是个“爆炸”新闻。Political leaders exploded a bombshell when they picked the young lawyer to run for mayor.

  • 这男孩的阿姨将他养大。The boy's aunt reared him.

  • 随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.

  • 即使孩子非常淘气,幼儿园的阿姨也不发脾气。The nurses in the kindergarten always keep their temper even if the children are very naughty.

  • 食堂的阿姨给排在你前面的人太多的肉The auntie in the canteen gives too much meat to the guy in front of you

  • 有些年轻的摩托车骑士很鲁莽。Some of these young motorcyclists are very reckless.

  • 她那有贵族血统的阿姨把她培养成了公主。Her aunt of noble blood cultured her into a princess.

  • 年轻的女主人轻快地走下楼来。The young hostess romped downstairs.

  • 穿红衣服的那个女的是我的阿姨。她是位医生。The woman in red is my aunt. She's a doctor.

  • 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men.

  • 那个女人是我妈妈的姐妹。所以她是我的阿姨。The woman is my mother's sister. So she is my aunt.

  • 那些年轻的农场工人浑身是劲。The young farm workers were full of juice.

