漂亮妈妈产后护理计划Beautiful mother's plan of postnatal care
这张照片比他本人漂亮。This photo flatters him.
爸爸妈妈Papa and Mama
安妮长得很漂亮。Ann is quite pretty.
妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。Mother used to make peach preserves.
她多漂亮呀!But she's beautiful!
妈妈烤了火鸡当晚餐。Mother roasted a turkey for dinner.
运动员怎样才能做到漂亮地入水?How does a diver achieve a perfectly clean entry?
妈妈,我要走了。I'm leaving now, mum.
她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子。She has grown into a beautiful young lady.
妈妈,开门!我回来了。Mother! Open up! I'm home.
他的文章写得很漂亮,卓尔不群。He is preeminent because his articles are well written.
单亲妈妈single mom
女儿都站在妈妈那一边。The daughters sided with their mothers.
妈妈因为她调皮打她屁股。Mother spanked her for being naughty.
我妈妈正在蒸鱼。My mother is steaming fish.
未婚妈妈unwed mother
妈妈昨天打电报给我。Mother telegraphed me yesterday.
漂亮妈妈产后护理计划Beautiful mother's plan of postnatal care妈妈mama准妈妈mother-to-be这张照片比他本人漂亮。This photo flatters him.爸爸妈妈Papa and Mama安妮长得很漂亮。Ann is quite pretty.妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。