动漫版《地月幻想》(Fantasy of Earth and Moon).
在任何时候确保手上的现金或在途未存的现金的安全性。Safeguards cash on hand or in route to the deposit at all times.
未卜先知have foresight
我的未来吉凶未卜。My whole future was at stake.
动漫业cartoon industry
她现在又咳起来,似乎有一个未卜先知的精灵从她心中出现了。She was coughing now, as if the spirit of prophecy rose within her.
同时,7天的假期中,参观动漫展的人数也达到了43万人次。Meanwhile, the Cartoon and Animation Expo also received430,000 visitors during the7- day holiday.
"在过去一年里公司处境困难,今后也前途未卜。""The firm has had a difficult year, and its future is uncertain."
动漫行业animation and comic Industry
胜败未卜。It is uncertain whether (he) will succeed or fail.
动漫教育animation and comics education
未卜remain undecided
动漫人才animation artist
前途未卜have a problematic future
动漫基地animation base
行期未卜。The date of departure remains undecided.
动漫品牌animation brand
动漫版《地月幻想》(Fantasy of Earth and Moon).在任何时候确保手上的现金或在途未存的现金的安全性。Safeguards cash on hand or in route to the deposit at all times.未卜先知have foresight我的未来吉凶未卜。My whole future was